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The Family Liaison, Issue #001 -- Get Ready for the New Year!
December 14, 2013

Gearing Up for the New Year!

Greetings, fellow family historians! We hope that you are enjoying this holiday season, as well as looking forward to what lies ahead.

And speaking of future plans, we are so excited about our free mini e-course coming in the new year.

We'll be teaching you how to start your own family blog. If you want to start a blog, build a blog, or improve on an existing blog--stay tuned!

And, more mini-classes are coming. We'll keep you updated in future issues.

For those of you who have website aspirations as a New Year's goal, we want to let you know that Site Build It has a great holiday special.

Buy one SBI account for yourself, and get another SBI FREE--to give away as a gift or save for a special occasion.

This is the only time of the year that this special is offered.

So grab one by clicking on this special link before or by the December 25 deadline!

Share Your Family Stories

Don't forget that we are still accepting your favorite family stories or photos! Join us on the Family Forum

Just pick a category and submit. You'll get your own webpage on our site.

And if you have a blog or website, please include your URL with your submission. We'd love to have you be part of our community.

Comments, ideas, feedback? We'd love to hear from you! Just reply to this newsletter and let us know your thoughts.

Until next time, wishing you Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year!


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