3 Quick Family Reunion Tips You Can Use Right Now

2008 Love Reunion Program Cover


Doing a Family Reunion & don't know where to start?  

Here are 3 quick tips to help ease the stress...

My immediate family has been either the hosts, or co- hosts of 10  family reunions!

My immediate family has been the host (or, co-hosts) of 10 reunions...

...6 on my Mom's side on 4 on my Dad’s side....   

...so, what have we learned after 10 reunions?  

...what advice can we pass on to others?

...here are 3 quick tips of things you want to start right away, to make your reunion successful!

1)  Select a Chairperson and a planning committee.

If you have been attending family reunions in the recent past, you may already have a chairperson....

...when my family has had reunions, the next chairperson is usually selected...

...by volunteering to host the next one in his or her home city...

...if you plan to have a business meeting as part of your program, you can do it then...

...Other family members who live in the host city can volunteer for the reunion planning committee....  

...my immediate family is quite large, so together we have served as the committee....

...my brother, sisters, mom, dad, aunts, and cousins...we all pitch in...

You can share Your Favorite Family Reunion Memories here!

...sometimes, the chairperson is the only family member who lives in the host city....

...If others can help serve on the committee, remotely--that can actually work...

...my mom co-hosted one of our Love Reunions in Mississippi.... 

...neither she nor the other family committee members lived in the state...

...but they were able to connect by phone and email.  

...and, they were able to meet together in Mississippi to finalize our hotel, program, and activities....

2)  There needs to be a budget.

...you need to know how much you're going to charge people.  In other words, set a registration fee...

...there are various ways of doing this....

...you can charge a one-time fee per person that will cover the entire reunion...

..or, you can charge a basic registration fee, plus a la carte fees for different activities....

...expect to “go in the hole” financially...

...in other words, the chairperson & the committee should be prepared to absorb unexpected costs that go into hosting....

...remember, being part of the host committee is not a way to make money....

...rather, it is an act of service to your family...

3)  Secure a hotel.

You want to find a hotel as soon as possible....

...hopefully you have a nice buffer of time...

...more than 6 months (ideally, 1 year)...

...to look for, and book a venue....

...here's a short list of things to consider when shopping for a hotel:

...do they have catering or food service?

...do they have a shuttle service to and from the airport?

...is there a group rate?

...does the rate include a breakfast meal?

...is there a banquet room that will accommodate your group?

...Is there a meeting room?

...do they offer free parking, or a discounted parking rates for groups?

Top Family Reunion Questions or Memories

If you are hosting, or have ever hosted a family reunion...

...you know how many details can come up!

...do you have questions, or tips for others?

And, if you've ever been to a family reunion, you know how fun they are!

...you can share your favorite reunion memories here--


  • Title your submission,

  • Click the link to open the rest of the invite,

  • And post your questions or memories below!

Others Share Their Top Family Reunion Questions & Memories

Click below to see memories of other visitors...

Riverwalk Adventure 
About two years ago, my family and I went on a family reunion to San Antonio, Texas. The adults had to go to this planning meeting about where to have …

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